Who may apply to Princeton Charter School?

All children entering kindergarten through grade eight are welcome at Princeton Charter School. The greatest number of spaces is available in kindergarten, and grade three, but several openings are anticipated in other grades.

How many students are in a class?

  1. The projected number of students per grade is: 17-19 students for kindergarten, 19-21 for grade one, 22 for grade two, and 44-48 for grades three through eight.
  2. Starting in grade five, students are placed into mathematics classes according to their demonstrated level of interest and achievement. Students in grades three through eight have a choice of French or Spanish for their modern world language. All other classes are split randomly.
  3. In grades five through eight there are three sections for English, mathematics, and modern world languages, and two sections for other subjects in grades five-eight. The average number of students in a class in these grades is between 15 and 20 students.

What subjects does the school teach?

The school focuses on the major academic disciplines (English language arts, mathematics, science, history and geography, modern world language, the arts) for learning of content as well as mastery of skills. The program also includes comprehensive health and physical education. In the early grades reading, writing, and mathematics are top priorities.

How can we have high expectations without too much competition?

The school has established milestones of achievement for students that give the PCS community the opportunity to celebrate and recognize achievement. Milestones are not competitive; students work to meet a standard of excellence for a specific project. Some examples are: a well-prepared science laboratory report demonstrating proper use of data analysis; an illustrated story with correct grammar and spelling; a health and nutritional plan; and a well written five-paragraph essay on a theme from history.

What values does the school foster?

  1. The importance of hard work and personal responsibility.
  2. The encouragement and recognition of academic accomplishment.
  3. A commitment to supporting all students with their studies.
  4. Respect for others and for the rights and responsibilities of a citizen in our society.
  5. Students are expected to work hard and to finish assignments.
  6. Teachers are expected to work hard and to support the needs of all students.

How does PCS address the needs of individual students?

  1. A tutoring/silent reading period is built into the daily schedule. This period may be used for tutoring students, for providing extra challenge, or for reading.
  2. Flexible and highly mobile groupings are used within the classroom environment as a tool to ensure that all students receive appropriate and stimulating instruction.
  3. Program adjustments are used only if the daily tutoring period is not sufficient to help a child be successful in reading, writing, and mathematics.

What is the classroom environment like?

  1. Most instructional time is spent teaching the standard curriculum to the entire class.
  2. Homework complements and supplements classwork, but does not replace the teacher’s obligation to cover material in class.
  3. Pull-out programs are avoided; tutoring is available as needed.

What is a rigorous curriculum?

A rigorous curriculum is a systemic, sequential program with mastery of specific knowledge and skills at each grade level. The program is aimed to be challenging to, but not too difficult for average students.

What are some distinguishing features of the education program?

  1. A rigorous curriculum with well-defined grade-level outcomes.
  2. A focus on mastery of core knowledge and skills.
  3. Teaching methods that provide appropriate support and challenge for all students.
  4. Integrated assessment to confirm student progress, and to identify the need for intervention or further challenge.
  5. Early, energetic intervention so students with difficulties do not fall too far behind.
  6. Timely and complete communication with parents.