Head of School Welcome

Welcome to Princeton Charter School!

Princeton Charter School (“Charter”) is a free K-8 public school that has been providing Princeton families with an educational choice for their children since 1997. Charter is a nationally recognized model of excellence and accountability in public education. We provide school lunch and bus transportation to all of our 424 students. We offer an afterschool program as well as an array of sports, clubs, and activities. And, as a free public school, we are committed to supporting all of the needs of our students through speech, special education, and OT/PT instruction as determined by our child study team. There are no fees or tests required to gain entrance into Charter. Instead, entrance into Charter is through a weighted random lottery held in public, in which Princeton residents are given priority.

What makes Charter unique is its commitment to excellence in public education which we feel is best achieved in a small school environment where all students are known and feel known. Over the nine (9) years that a child spends at Charter, in small classes with dedicated teachers, administrators, faculty, and staff, we develop a deep understanding of each child as an individual learner. During these formative years, we also build strong relationships with our families. These relationships form the basis of the critical school-home partnership that has been present since the school’s inception.

Our school motto is: “Inspire, Challenge, Support, and Accomplish”. Our goal is to inspire students to learn, challenge them to reach their full potential, support them in this process, and help them to accomplish real understanding and learning. These four core elements start with our amazingly dedicated and talented teachers. It remains my single greatest priority to continue to bring smart, skilled, and experienced faculty and staff to work with our students and families.

It has been an honor and a privilege for me to serve as the Head of School over the past fourteen (14) years. Every day I am amazed by our talented, caring, and dedicated faculty and staff, the supportive and engaged parents, and of course our incredible students. I encourage you to learn more about Charter, what makes our school unique and how it can be the right choice for your child.


Larry Patton
Head of School